Transfer MATIC on your MetaMask Wallet
Here we take the example with Binance, but we do not recommend any particular exchange. DYOR.
Last updated
Here we take the example with Binance, but we do not recommend any particular exchange. DYOR.
Last updated
Follow the instructions bellow to transfer MATIC on your Metamask Wallet:
Log in to your Binance account.
You will be able to see Wallet in the upper right corner of the webpage.
Click Wallet and then click Fiat and Spot.
Find MATIC on the list. You can use the search box to find it.
Once you have found MATIC, click Withdraw.
Then, click Transfer.
Select Funding on the From field and Fiat and Spot on the To field.
Enter the amount of MATIC to transfer and click Confirm.
After clicking Withdraw, you will be able to see the Withdrawal window.
There you need to paste the MetaMask address that you have copied.
Then, select the Network address as MATIC Polygon.
Enter the amount of MATIC that you wish to send and click Withdraw.
After clicking Withdraw, a confirmation popup will appear.
Check the address again and the network and click Continue.
After clicking Continue, there will be a security check page.
You need to enter the OTP sent to your email and mobile to proceed further.
Just after completing the security confirmation, you will see a Withdrawal Request Submitted pop-up.
Click Complete.
The transfer may take some time. Be patient if you don't see the MATIC in your Wallet right away.
You can use other Centralized EXchange platform to transfer MATIC to your Wallet (ex. Coinbase, KuCoin, Kraken...)