Start using the app
Follow the instructions below to start using the app:
Download and install the App.
Open the application and enter your email address in the field “email address”.
Accept the “Terms of Use” and the “Private Policy”, and tap on the "Login / Sign up" button.
You will then receive an activation code by email. If you don't see the email, please check your spam folder.
Enter your activation code in the "Activation Code" field.
You will now be redirected to the main screen of the application. To use the game, you need to transfer your NFT to the application.
Tap on the Wallet icon (see image below) and create your Wallet by following the on-screen instructions.
Once your Wallet is created, you will be redirected to the Wallet screen. Tap on "Transfer", then "Receive".
You will then have the option to copy the Wallet address. Use this address to transfer your NFT (Polygon network).
Once the cyber-yakuza NFT has arrived in your Wallet, you can start playing.
You can't use the application's features if you don't have a cyber-yaluza NFT.